Donna Bice is an homage to the elegance of values.
A precious oil that bears witness to the importance of taking care of the land, the love for the family and the respect for other people, according to the common practice of Italian tradition.
A story of pure love which symbolizes the close relationship that has always been connecting mankind to the olive tree and the values it represents.
Donna Bice is an homage to the elegance of values.
A precious oil that bears witness to the importance of taking care of the land, the love for the family and the respect for other people, according to the common practice of Italian tradition.
A story of pure love which symbolizes the close relationship that has always been connecting mankind to the olive tree and the values it represents.
Puglia is an extraordinary territory with exceptional climatic conditions that are perfect for the cultivation of olives. The region is known for its philosophy of production which includes respect for nature and first and foremost respect for people.
This is the perfect combination for our oil that brings back onto the table suggestions and sensations of the places you were born in.
Puglia is an extraordinary territory with exceptional climatic conditions that are perfect for the cultivation of olives. The region is known for its philosophy of production which includes respect for nature and first and foremost respect for people.
This is the perfect combination for our oil that brings back onto the table suggestions and sensations of the places you were born in.
There is a connection between civilization and olive oil that exists for more than thousand years. It is a history full of symbols and values that strengthened the spiritual union of mankind and the forces of nature.
This is why we work every day until our oil is going to be a proper witness of this bond.
There is a connection between civilization and olive oil that exists for more than thousand years. It is a history full of symbols and values that strengthened the spiritual union of mankind and the forces of nature.
This is why we work every day until our oil is going to be a proper witness of this bond.
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